High-Quality Way to Write your

AI Copywriting is revolutionizing the way content is created. AI can create content for blogs, articles, websites, social media and more.


How it work?

Sie müssen ein paar einfache Schritte befolgen, um Ihre Inhalte zu generieren. Nutzen Sie die KI und sparen Sie Zeit.


Wählen Sie eine Vorlage aus

Wählen Sie eine Vorlage zur Inhaltserstellung. Für alle Ihre Anforderungen stehen mehrere Vorlagen zur Verfügung.


Fülle das Formular aus

Enter a detailed description of your content. Tell the AI what
do you want.


Holen Sie sich Ihre Inhalte

Erhalten Sie einzigartige, qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte. Der Inhalt ist frei von Plagiaten und Sie können ihn überall verwenden.

Ai Content Writer

Generieren Sie Ihre benötigten Inhalte mit über 60 Vorlagen zur Inhaltserstellung.

Blog Ideas

Article/blog ideas that you can use to generate more traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

Try Blog Ideas

Blog Intros

Enticing article/blog introductions that capture the attention of the audience.

Try Blog Intros

Blog Titles

Nobody wants to read boring blog titles, generate catchy blog titles with this tool.

Try Blog Titles

Blog Section Profi

Write a few paragraphs about a subheading of your article.

Try Blog Section

Blog Conclusion

Create powerful conclusion that will make a reader take action.

Try Blog Conclusion

Article Writer Profi

Create a fully complete high quality article from a title and outline text.

Try Article Writer

Article Rewriter

Copy an article, paste it in to the program, and with just one click you'll have an entirely different article to read.

Try Article Rewriter

Article Outlines

Detailed article outlines that help you write better content on a consistent basis.

Try Article Outlines

Talking Points

Write short, simple and informative points for the subheadings of your article

Try Talking Points

Paragraph Writer Profi

Perfectly structured paragraphs that are easy to read and packed with persuasive words.

Try Paragraph Writer

Content Rephrase

Rephrase your content in a different voice and style to appeal to different readers.

Try Content Rephrase

Facebook Ads

Facebook ad copies that make your ads truly stand out.

Try Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Headlines

Write catchy and convincing headlines to make your Facebook Ads stand out.

Try Facebook Ads Headlines

Google Ad Titles Profi

Creating ads with unique and appealing titles that entice people to click on your ad and purchase from your site.

Try Google Ad Titles

Google Ad Descriptions Profi

The best-performing Google ad copy converts visitors into customers.

Try Google Ad Descriptions

LinkedIn Ad Headlines Profi

Attention-grabbing, click-inducing, and high-converting ad headlines for Linkedin.

Try LinkedIn Ad Headlines

LinkedIn Ad Descriptions Profi

Professional and eye-catching ad descriptions that will make your product shine.

Try LinkedIn Ad Descriptions

App and SMS Notifications Profi

Notification messages for your apps, websites, and mobile devices that keep users coming back for more.

Try App and SMS Notifications

Passive to Active Voice Profi

Easy and quick solution to converting your passive voice sentences into active voice sentences.

Try Passive to Active Voice

Company Vision Profi

A vision that attracts the right people, clients, and employees.

Try Company Vision

Company Mission Profi

A clear and concise statement of your company's goals and purpose.

Try Company Mission

Company Bios Profi

Short and sweet company bio that will help you connect with your target audience.

Try Company Bios

Startup Name Generator Profi

Generate cool, creative, and catchy names for your startup in seconds.

Try Startup Name Generator

Email Subject Lines Profi

Powerful email subject lines that increase open rates.

Try Email Subject Lines

Emails V2 Profi

Personalized email outreach to your target prospects that get better results.

Try Emails V2

Emails Profi

Professional-looking emails that help you engage leads and customers.

Try Emails

Rewrite With Keywords Profi

Rewrite your existing content to include more keywords and boost your search engine rankings.

Try Rewrite With Keywords

Pros and Cons Profi

List of the main benefits versus the most common problems and concerns.

Try Pros and Cons

Text Extender Profi

Extend short sentences into more descriptive and interesting ones.

Try Text Extender

Questions Profi

A tool to create engaging questions and polls that increase audience participation and engagement.

Try Questions

Answers Profi

Instant, quality answers to any questions or concerns that your audience might have.

Try Answers

Definition Profi

A definition for a word, phrase, or acronym that's used often by your target buyers.

Try Definition

Bullet Point Answers Profi

Precise and informative bullet points that provide quick and valuable answers to your customers' questions.

Try Bullet Point Answers

Stories Profi

Engaging and persuasive stories that will capture your reader's attention and interest.

Try Stories

Summarize for a 2nd grader Profi

Translates difficult text into simpler concepts.

Try Summarize for a 2nd grader

Quora Answers Profi

Answers to Quora questions that will position you as an authority.

Try Quora Answers

Content Shorten Profi

Short your content in a different voice and style to appeal to different readers.

Try Content Shorten

Product Name Generator Profi

Create creative product names from examples words.

Try Product Name Generator

Product Descriptions Profi

Authentic product descriptions that will compel, inspire, and influence.

Try Product Descriptions

Amazon Product Titles Profi

Product titles that will make your product stand out in a sea of competition.

Try Amazon Product Titles

Amazon Product Descriptions Profi

Descriptions for Amazon products that rank on the first page of the search results.

Try Amazon Product Descriptions

Amazon Product Features Profi

Advantages and features of your products that will make them irresistible to shoppers.

Try Amazon Product Features

Social Media Post (Personal) Profi

Write a social media post for yourself to be published on any platform.

Try Social Media Post (Personal)

Social Media Post (Business) Profi

Write a post for your business to be published on any social media platform.

Try Social Media Post (Business)

Instagram Captions Profi

Captions that turn your images into attention-grabbing Instagram posts.

Try Instagram Captions

Instagram Hashtags Profi

Trending and highly relevant hashtags to help you get more followers and engagement.

Try Instagram Hashtags

Twitter Tweets Profi

Generate tweets using AI, that are relevant and on-trend.

Try Twitter Tweets

YouTube Titles Profi

Catchy titles that attract more views and increase the number of shares.

Try YouTube Titles

YouTube Descriptions Profi

Catchy and persuasive YouTube descriptions that help your videos rank higher.

Try YouTube Descriptions

YouTube Outlines Profi

Video outlines that are a breeze to create and uber-engaging.

Try YouTube Outlines

LinkedIn Posts Profi

Inspiring LinkedIn posts that will help you build trust and authority in your industry.

Try LinkedIn Posts

TikTok Video Scripts Profi

Video scripts that are ready to shoot and will make you go viral.

Try TikTok Video Scripts

SEO Meta Tags (Blog Post)

A set of optimized meta title and meta description tags that will boost your search rankings for your blog.

Try SEO Meta Tags (Blog Post)

SEO Meta Tags (Homepage)

A set of optimized meta title and meta description tags that will boost your search rankings for your home page.

Try SEO Meta Tags (Homepage)

SEO Meta Tags (Product Page)

A set of optimized meta title and meta description tags that will boost your search rankings for your product page.

Try SEO Meta Tags (Product Page)

Tone Changer Profi

Change the tone of your writing to match your audience and copy.

Try Tone Changer

Song Lyrics Profi

Unique song lyrics that will be perfect for your next hit song.

Try Song Lyrics


Translate your content into any language you want.

Try Translate

FAQs Profi

Generate frequently asked questions based on your product description.

Try FAQs

FAQ Answers Profi

Generate creative answers to questions (FAQs) about your business or website.

Try FAQ Answers

Testimonials / Reviews Profi

Add social proof to your website by generating user testimonials.

Try Testimonials / Reviews


Hier sind unsere neuesten generierten KI-Bilder.

Get Started

AI Chat Assistants

KI-ChatBots nutzen künstliche Intelligenz, um Ihre Fragen und Gespräche zu verstehen und darauf zu reagieren. Chatbots sind wirklich hilfreich, weil sie Ihnen sofortige und personalisierte Hilfe bieten können.

Wir bieten ein vielfältiges Angebot an spezialisierten Chatbots für verschiedene Branchen an. In. Beziehungsberater, Business Coach, Motivationsredner, Lebensberater, Anwalt, Arzt usw.

Jetzt chatten

Our Pricing Plans

Wir bieten flexible Preispläne, um den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden.


Merkmale  Free
  • 14 AI-Dokumentvorlagen
  • 10,000 Wörter pro Monat
  • 100 Bilder pro Monat
  • 0 Speech to Text pro Monat
  • 0 MB Größenbeschränkung für Audiodateien
  • KI-Chat
  • 0 KI-Chatbots
  • KI-Code
  • Anzeigen ausblenden


$29.99/ Monatlich
$119.99/ Jährlich
Merkmale  Pro
  • 61 AI-Dokumentvorlagen
  • 100,000 Wörter pro Monat
  • Unbegrenzt Bilder pro Monat
  • Unbegrenzt Speech to Text pro Monat
  • Unbegrenzt Größenbeschränkung für Audiodateien
  • KI-Chat
  • 4 KI-Chatbots
  • KI-Code
  • Anzeigen ausblenden

Any Questions? Answered

Hier möchten wir Ihnen Antworten auf einige der am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zu unserem Produkt geben.

Absolutely! Fluten can generate blog posts and website content on a wide range of topics, ensuring top-notch quality and relevance.

Yes, Fluten offers a free version with limited access. It's perfect for those who want to experience its benefits without committing to a paid plan.

Your privacy is a top priority. Fluten employs robust security measures to protect your data, ensuring it remains confidential and secure.

Absolutely! Fluten's paid plans cater to businesses, offering enhanced speed, quality, and customization options, making it ideal for professional use.

Fluten's speed ensures rapid task completion, while its quality guarantees accurate results. This combination boosts your productivity significantly.

Yes, Fluten is proficient in writing code for various programming languages, making it a valuable tool for developers. The paid version offers even faster code generation.

Fluten uses advanced algorithms and real-time analysis to produce high-quality code quickly. It minimizes errors and adheres to coding standards.

Yes, Fluten can generate engaging social media posts for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It streamlines your content creation process.

Content produced by Fluten meets professional standards and can be used for business blogs, website content, and social media campaigns, enhancing your brand's online presence.

Fluten is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users. Its intuitive interface simplifies the process of generating code and content.


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